《理智与情感》这本书是英国文学史上杰出的现实主义小说家简奥斯丁的成名作之一, 也是她的处女作。英国文坛现实主义作品在经过 40多年的青黄不接之后,终于由这部作品打破了沉闷的局面。《理智与情感》的发表无疑为以后现实主义的重新崛起和发扬光大奠定了基础。
姐姐埃莉诺善于用理智来控制情感, 妹妹玛丽安的感情却毫无节制, 因此面对爱情时,她们做出了不同的反映——奥斯丁以其女性特有的细致入微的观察力,展现了英国乡绅的日常生活和英国乡村的田园风光。品读她的作品,会使人有一种在放松状态下的闲适,恬静的感觉。
尽管小说对理智与情感的对比的描写有时过于夸张,但这种描写能够带给读者深刻的启迪,那就是:我们要理智地对待情感。其实不仅是情感,我们还可以把它推广到生活的各个方面去。在这个充满竞争的社会里,我们难免会遇到各种不公平、不顺心的事,有时还会很恼火。这时候我们如果想玛丽安那样不顾一切地去宣泄,那么不仅不会得到同情,还会更加不利于烦恼的消除。虽然后来听说他已经订婚,但埃丽诺能够克制自己的情感,理智地接受这一事实。在被母亲和未婚妻抛弃后,她仍对他一往情深,最终她和德华有情人终成眷属。而妹妹玛丽安代表情感,她一心想找一个“人品出众,风度迷人”的如意郎君威洛比,而对 35岁的布兰登上校不屑一顾。当她被威洛比抛弃后,又自暴自弃,整日以泪洗面,宣泄情感,差点因此而丧命。最终,她听从了姐姐的劝导,以理智克制情感,嫁给了布兰登上校。
Sense and sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811. when talking about Jane Austen, I can say confidently that I have a good knowledge to her. She (16 December 1775-18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, her realism and biting social commentary cementing her historical importance among scholars and critics. In her short and glorious life, she wrote about dozens of famous novels, such as sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, Mansfield park, Emma and so on. When I was a high school student, I had once read the Chinese version of pride and prejudice, through this novel, I have a preliminary understanding of Jane Austen’s vision of love, and realize the life of British girl in that period, but not deep, while, I am really engaged in the style of Jane Austen’s novel, and yearn for a deep understanding of her novel, the era she lived, so when the teacher asked us to read a English novel, I chose sense and sensibility written by Jane Austen.
The story in this book concerns two sister, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Elinor represents “sense” and Marianne is “sensibility”). Along with their mother and young sister, they were evict from their residence Norland Park after the death of their father, they moved to a country cottage offered by a generous relative with on other choice.
Before they moved out of their former residence, Elinor fell in love with the gentleman Edward Ferrars who was her sister-in-law’s brother, unfortunately, she was unware of the engagement between Edward and Lucy, after hearing that bad news, instead of anger,despair , she showed her calm and sense, to Edward, she expressed her understanding and belief. Actually, Elinor was a virtuous girl, sense is a kind of inner character of her, she was generous, gentle, calm and polite to all the people around her, including the people who hurted her, such as Lucy. Concerning love, Elinor also zealous in the affair between Edward and her, because of her belief, tolerance and sense, she finally won a happy end, and got married with her lover Edward.
Marianne also was a virtuous, with passion and fansaty, she always dreamed one day that she can marry a handsome gentle and rich man. After their move, Marianne met Willoughby, a dashing young man who leaded her into undisciplined behaviour, so that she ignored the faithful (but a lot older) gentleman Colonel Brandon. Unfortunately, Willoughby was a greedy and unchaste man who finally discarded Marianne then married a rich lady. Marianne was inconsolable, and nearly died, during this time, Colonel Brandon accompanied with her, and faced and conquered every difficulty together. She was eventually moved by Colonel Brandon, and finally realized the he was the person that she can entrust lifelong.
Compared with Elinor, Marianne’s suffering, not only brings agony to herself, but also the people who around and care about her. The reason underlies this consequence is the sensibility exits in Marianne’s inner character. Therefore , we can see transparently that sense is a very important principle in our daily life.
In the real life, abundant emotion should be involved, while it is not equal to acting impetuously, when necessary, our thoughts and emotions should be rational constrained by sense. In the novelist ---Jane Austen’s mind, dealing with a matter cautiously and heart impulse should be well balanced. She respects the view that money can buy elegant life, on the contrary, she pays more attention to interpersonal relationships. In one word, sense is more important than sensibility for Jane herself.
As for us, just as mentioned before, sense should be regarded as a kind of life principle, a habits for consideration.
The road of life is tough, we’ll come across a mass of difficulties when we communicate with our colleagues, friends, also when we dealing with jobs. Facing those puzzles, without the sense, lose temper becomes potluck. This actually do not focus on solving the problems, what’s more, it makes them more complex.
In consequence, refer to the friendship, teammates relationship, and the other complicated polytropic relations, we can think about more rational way to conduct them, it is definitely favorable for us to conquer the problem.